Updated on December 26, 2023 by Angelika

As a former financial controller, I used to be familiar with claims in the financial sector, where claims mean receivables (from debtors). When I joined the annual program at the beginning of the year The Content Society from Blogger-Coach Judith Peters I learned that every self-employed person or entrepreneur needs a tagline ("Claim" in German marketing language) that sums up the brand promise or mission in crisp words. Incidentally, the German "Claim" is a pseudo-anglicism like the "Handy" (the German term for "cell phone" 😃) - in English it is called "tagline" or "strapline". In a certain sense, however, the tagline is also a claim - an expectation that I as a self-employed person or entrepreneur have of myself and that others can have of me. Examples for taglines are "Because you're worth it" (L'Oréal), "Vorsprung durch Technik" (Audi) or "Just do it" (Nike). At best, when you hear the tagline, you immediately know which brand it represents.

Since November, I now also have a tagline: "Bucketlist Deutschland" - and it feels perfect to me because it fits my travel blog 100%. You can find out how I found it and what it means in this article.

A Tagline is Needed!

It was clear to me from the start that the headline "Travel to Germany" on my homepage would not be something that readers would associate with me in the long term. To be honest, I believed that I needed a search engine relevant headline for the homepage so that my blog could be found in Google. I now know that the homepage is not normally found in Google anyway, so you can forget about keywords in this case. There is also the triple combo, for which I can use my most important keywords.

Ever since I signed up for the TCS blogger program at the end of December 2022, I knew I needed a claim! A catchy statement that suits me and my travel blog. On my homepage it said "Vacation in Germany" in bold letters, but that was a headline at best, not a claim. Throughout the year, I kept trying to find such an expressive combination of words, but I couldn't come up with the right one. At the TCS meeting in Stuttgart in April, I received suggestions and encouragement from my fellow bloggers during a brainstorming session, but I was still in the dark. Then, in November, the "Claim Sprint" that I had been eagerly waiting for was the topic of the month in The Content Society. In 10 days, during which there was a call every morning with Judith and my blogger colleagues, we developed our claim with the help of a questionnaire, video tutorials and feedback from the blogger group. The brilliant Judith helped us along the way.

In part 3/4 of the tagline-finding questionnaire, I wrote down my initial ideas, which Judith supplemented with further ideas in the brainstorming session with the other TCS bloggers. One of them was "Bucket List Germany", which became "Bucket List Deutschland" based on Judith's feedback.

After the second round of brainstorming, I already had my claim including a three-word combo. The triple combo consists of relevant keywords for the topic of the website to help Google categorize it.

My new claim "Bucketlist Germany" on the homepage on a photo of the old town view of Tübingen - angiestravelroutes.com
My new tagline "Bucket List Deutschland" replaces the former headline "Travel to Germany". Below it is my triple combo of "Destinations, sights, road trips" instead of "Experience culture, nature and traditions on unique trips".

What is a Bucket List, Anyway?

The German translation "Löffelliste" sounds a little silly, but it's actually a list of things you want to experience before you "kick the bucket". Many travelers have a "bucket list", a list of places they definitely want to visit in their lifetime. I also had such a list and had already ticked off many destinations on it by 2019. Over a period of around 25 years, I have traveled all over the world, from Namibia to Tanzania, from Canada to Cuba, from Uzbekistan to Australia. I stopped counting the countries a long time ago, because that number is no longer important to me. There are a few places I would still like to visit: the Pantanal, the Iguazu Falls, Rio and New York, for example. But because I have already seen so much, I am happy to say today that everything that is yet to come is a bonus. This attitude takes the pressure off me to chase from highlight to highlight, as I often used to do - sometimes it was like running away from the problems of everyday life. Today, I prefer to travel slowly and take my time to immerse myself in my surroundings.

The Birth of My Personal "Bucket List Deutschland"

Once upon a time there was a pandemic ... and no one could travel wherever they wanted. When the coronavirus pandemic broke out in 2020, I had just got over my burnout to some extent, parted ways with my previous employer and decided to write about my travels around the world as a blogger. I also had lots of plans for where I wanted to travel. With my Australian travel buddy, I had planned a trip to Naples, the Amalfi Coast and Capri for summer 2020. As you may remember, traveling in summer 2020 was next to impossible, especially to Italy. Nobody knew how long it would last. Would travel as we knew it - when and where we wanted - ever be possible again? The world was in corona lockdown and, like many others, I was frustrated and depressed. In the fall of 2020, I took a flight to Rhodes - that was about the last opportunity to travel abroad. At the time, Greece was the only country in Europe where incidences were still within reasonable limits. But that soon changed too.

In 2021, hardly anyone dared to think about traveling abroad - at least not me. However, traveling within Germany was relatively possible most of the time. I started looking into German regions and cities that I didn't know yet and planned a big road trip from Thuringia via Leipzig to Berlin. From there, I continued towards Hamburg and the North Sea coast. I was so enthusiastic about the beautiful places I discovered for the first time or rediscovered that I created a new imaginary bucket list - my bucket list Germany!

Germany - My Niche

I still thought I would be able to blog about my travels around the world sometime after the pandemic was over when I signed up to an online course by Webdesigner Birgit Hotz, in which freelancers and entrepreneurs learn how to create their own website with the Divi theme. This course was a real game changer for me! The first course module was about the desired customer and positioning. Based on the working documents and in the Zoom meetings with Birgit and the other participants, I realized that travel around the world is not a niche market.

Since I had so much fun exploring my home country and getting to grips with German history, it quickly became clear that I wanted to create a Germany travel blog. And not only for Germans who, like me, want to get to know their own country better, but also for foreign travelers, English-speaking migrants and expats who work here and want to discover their interim home. My aim is to introduce both foreigners and locals to the beauty of Germany. I want to provide my readers with all the information they need to create their very own Bucket List Deutschland .

The Checklists of My Life

I have a passionate relationship with lists 😂. In my previous life as a financial controller and expert in operational processes, I was constantly developing new checklists to standardize and simplify work processes. I also use shopping lists, to-do lists, packing lists and discovery lists (= bucket lists for the respective travel destinations) in my private life. I find that lists make life so much easier. That's probably why this year (2023), my first year as a travel blogger, I've mainly written extensive listicles - lists of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Germany, the most beautiful places, Cities, road trips, Christmas markets in Germany, the sights of Würzburg and Weimar's ... I would like to provide my readers with tools and information that they can use to put together their own individual trip to Germany, optimized for their needs - whether they want to discover just one city, a region or the whole country. My wish is that my carefully researched lists of beautiful places, sights and cultural heritage will be useful for you as a reader. Put together your own personal Bucket List Deutschland from my highlight lists!

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